Distance Learning
Student Code of Conduct for Distance Learning Sessions
A safe and positive learning environment will be maintained in all digital classroom settings (i.e. Zoom, Google Meet) at all times. Students are expected to respect the personal rights of their peers and to abide by the expectation of MBX instructors, administrators and staff.
Distance Learning Guidelines
- Follow all MBX distance learning guidelines during live sessions:
- Full name displayed
- School appropriate profile picture / background
- Login via MBX Google Email
- Be on time for your scheduled session and stay until dismissed.
- Submit work through the teacher’s specified learning platform by the expected due dates.
- Have the maturity and motivation to work independently.
- Use time wisely, be organized, self-directed, and flexible.
- Be willing to put in the time, read texts carefully, and actively participate in virtual class activities
- Check communications frequently and discuss any concerns and questions with the teacher promptly
Tips for Successful Distance Learning
- Confirm you have your usernames/passwords and know how to access the Distance Learning materials for your class.
- Be sure to check-in for the first meeting early to troubleshoot problems before the class starts.
- Read the course syllabus and confirm your meeting times for your class.
- Tour the teacher’s distance learning platform to become familiar with where to find and submit assignments and activities – click on the links and read the content.
- If you have a question or concern, contact your teacher.
- Set up your learning space to be free from distractions. (i.e., phones)
- Ask for help when you need it.
Students are expected to practice integrity. Cheating or dishonesty will not be tolerated.
Student – Teacher Progressive Discipline
In an effort to provide a safe learning environment with consistent and fair practices in our abbreviated schedule we have developed the following practice for students with behavior concerns:
- Warning to student
- Student -Teacher conference with parent follow up
- Contact an MBX administrator and tardy assigned