Congratulations to our Costa student athletes on National Signing Day!

One of the most exciting moments for a student-athlete is National Signing Day. Years of hard work have led to this moment, and on April 17th, 7 Costa athletes were honored as they look forward to playing at a collegiate level. They will be playing a variety of sports: rugby, basketball, cross country, track, volleyball and baseball.
Congratulations to our Costa student athletes who signed their NCAA letters of intent. These universities are very lucky to get our Mustangs next year!
Ashley Brownsberger, Rugby at Michigan State
Carson Carey, Basketball at University of Puget Sound
Cy Chittenden, Cross Country/Track at University of Chicago
Cole Gamble, Cross Country/Track at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
JP Soares, Cross Country/Track at Kansas State University
Adam Sevier, Volleyball at UCSD
Christian Panero, Baseball at Lewis and Clark University