Game and Tournament Rules
Game Basics
- Up to 9 fielders (4 OF permitted)
- Batting teams provide pitcher; pitcher does not play defense.
- Pitcher shall be positioned within 5’ of the center of the field as indicated by the pitching rubber. Distance from home plate is not regulated, but please be safe.
- 3 pitches max, except fouls (unlimited)
- 6 inning games
- 6-run per inning “mercy rule” except final inning (“open inning”)
- No “home runs” allowed – 1st HR in a team’s at-bat each inning = foul, 2nd & later hit by any player = out. Foul HRs are fouls. HR count “resets” each inning.
- Runners shall not touch home plate or will be called out. All plays at the plate are “force plays.” Catcher must touch home plate, runner must cross chalk line before ball arrives.
- Pinch runners only for injury, not player’s speed. Requires umpire’s approval. Any pinch runner must be the batter who made the last out of that inning, or prior.
- No time limit, but last inning must not start after 40 minutes (except extras).
- One extra inning if tied after 6. Use “California tiebreaker” rules:
- Start with runner on 2nd base (last batter, prior inning)
- One out.
- No run limit.
- “Defense wins championships.” – Teams are ranked based on how few runs they give up, never how many they score.
Pitching and Batting
- All players on the roster and present for the game shall bat. If a player misses an at-bat for any reason other than injury, the scheduled at-bat shall count as an out.
- Each team shall use a consistent batting order from the start to the finish of each individual game, with exceptions only to remove injured players or, upon the umpire’s approval, to add late-arriving players. Any late players shall be added after the last slot in the order, regardless of the time in the game.
- A batter appearing at the plate out of order and taking a pitch shall be declared out.
- Only American Softball Association (ASA) approved bats are allowed.
- Each batter is allowed three (3) pitches thrown by a pitcher from his or her own team. If the hitter fouls off the third pitch, another pitch is allowed. There is no limit to the number of third-pitch foul balls. The batter is out after 3 pitches unless the ball is put in play or fouled off.
- Pitchers shall position themselves within 5 feet to the left or right of the center of the infield, as indicated by the position of the pitching rubber. The pitcher’s distance from home plate is in his or her own discretion. For pitcher safety, pitchers may choose to position themselves behind L-screens. Any ball hitting any part of the L-screen is a dead ball and the pitch shall not count toward the 3 pitches allowed the batter. Any batted ball hitting the pitcher is a foul ball.
- Bunting and half swings are not allowed. If, in the umpire’s sole discretion, a hit is deemed to have been a bunt or a half-swing, the pitch shall count, but the batter may not take a base. If it was the batter’s third pitch, the batter is out. If it was the first or second pitch, the batter may return to the plate for additional pitche(s).
Ground Rules: Balls In & Out Of Play, Balls Over Fence
- A batted ball hitting the pitcher is a foul ball.
- Any batted ball touching a fielder’s glove or body before going over the outfield fence on a fly (in fair territory) shall be ruled a ground-rule double.
- A batted ball that bounces over the outfield fence in fair territory is a ground-rule double, including one that hits any part of the fence or top of the fence before going over.
- Home runs prohibited: We play on Little League fields. The first ball hit in each team’s at-bat per inning that clears the outfield fence in fair territory is to be considered a foul ball. The second HR hit by any batter from the same team in that inning’s at-bat is an OUT. Count of HRs resets each inning.
- This home run rule applies regardless of who the batter is.
- Foul ball home runs are always regular foul balls.
- Each team may have 9 fielders.
- Because the offense supplies the pitcher, having 4 outfielders (or more) is permitted.
Base Running
- Force plays only at home: For safety, all plays at home plate shall be force plays (i.e., runner is out if the ball beats the runner and is caught by a defender, with no tag necessary). Runners shall not touch home plate. Instead, runners are required to cross a line drawn in chalk perpendicular to home plate. The catcher must step on home plate and catch the ball before the runner crosses the scoring line. The purpose of this force-play rule is to avoid collisions and injuries. A runner that touches home plate or who, in the opinion of the umpire, interferes with the catcher, is to be called out.
- 3B/Home – Point of no return: Once a runner crosses a line halfway between third (3rd) base and home plate, the runner must continue and cannot go back to 3rd base. A runner returning to 3rd after crossing the halfway point, in the opinion of the umpire, is to be called out.
- Runners may advance only on a batted ball. Leadoffs are prohibited. Steals are prohibited. Tagging up after a caught fly ball is permitted.
- Sliding discouraged: Sliding or diving into bases is strongly discouraged. If you want to know how to get injured or cause injury to your neighbors who are playing in the game, sliding, diving or other aggressive base-running tactics are all great ways to do it. Aggressive or dangerous behavior by a runner can result in an out, in the discretion of the umpire, and may result in expulsion from the game or the tournament.
- Pinch runners: Use of pinch runners is not to be routine. A player who can bat is generally expected to run the bases. A team may call for a pinch runner for a batter who reaches base but is injured while running. A pinch runner may be used for a player who has a pre-existing injury (as opposed to simply a slow runner) subject to approval and in the sole discretion of the umpire. A pinch runner must be the batter who made the most recent out in the same inning, or, if there are no outs, the batter who made the last out of the prior inning. Use of a pinch runner shall only be requested due to injury and shall in no event be used to seek an advantage, i.e, no “rabbits” and no routine substitutions.
Mercy Rule & Scoring
- Teams will mercifully change sides when one team scores six (6) runs in one inning, except for the final inning, when there is to be no run limit for either side. There is no run limit for the 6th inning or any extra innings for the “Final Four” playoffs and final/championship game.
- The home team will not bat in the 6th inning (or final inning if declared due to time limit) if/when it has the lead. Play shall cease in the bottom half of the last inning when the home team’s score surpasses the visiting team’s score. This rule will be in place regardless of any tie-breaker rules.
- If your team is clearly superior, or having an exceptionally good game, DO NOT RUN UP THE SCORE. Any teams doing so will be subject to expulsion and will not be invited back. There are plenty of serious tournaments to play in; this is not one of them. See below on tie-breakers – there are no benefits for scoring extra runs.
Game Length & Time Limit Rules
- Our day’s schedule is tight. Please try to start on time, and limit warmups or infield practice between innings. When your game is complete, please hustle off the field and move items out of the dugout to enable the next teams to get settled and the next game to begin.
- Regular games are scheduled to be 6 innings and should be played to conclusion whenever possible. With 45 minutes allocated to each game, umpires shall track the time of first pitch and shall not permit a new inning to begin after 40 minutes of play, unless it is a 7th inning because the game is tied after 6 innings. Otherwise there is no time limit for games unless a tournament-wide time limit is declared, in the discretion of the tournament director, if the tournament is behind schedule.
- Games that are tied after 6 innings shall go to a 7th inning to try to establish a winner. The 7th inning will be played using “California tiebreaker” rules: The inning shall begin with 1 out and a runner on second base, who shall be the last batter (not necessasrily last out) of the previous inning. There shall be no run limit (mercy rule) for any extra inning. Any game tied after 7 innings will be declared a tie, except any “Final Four” playoff games and the tournament final game, each of which will be played to conclusion.
- If the director declares that time limits shall apply, all games going forward are subject to time limit rules, except the “Final Four” playoffs and final/championship game. The director will designate an inning limit and/or a game time limit, counted from the first pitch, after which no new inning shall begin.
- The umpire is the sole authority on time-keeping for the game and has sole discretion regarding whether to continue play.
- If, due to time limits, the final inning is declared by the umpire prior to the 6th inning, no run limit (mercy rule) shall apply; it shall be “open.” The inning shall be played in its entirety.
Tournament Rules
- Tournament format will be determined each year based on the number of teams that are scheduled to play.
- For 2024, all 11 teams will play 4 games in pool play in a randomly assigned schedule. There shall be two pools, one with 6 teams and one with 5 teams, Blue and Grey. Teams will advance to the “Final Four” playoff based on their pool play records. The top 2 from each pool will advance to the playoffs, with the 1st place finisher from each pool hosting the 2nd place finisher from the opposite pool.
- TIE BREAKERS: After all teams have played their games, a seeding process will determine final matchups. For each such game and the championship game, the higher-seeded team shall be the home team. In the event that two or more teams have the same record, the following tie-breaker rules will apply:
- The first tie-breaker will be fewest runs allowed.
- If applicable, the second tie-breaker will be head-to-head record between two tied teams, i.e., if one team beat the other, that team is the higher seed.
- If a third tie-breaker is required and the tied teams are in a pool with more than 5 teams, the tie-breaker shall be runs allowed against common opponents.
- Total runs scored will NOT be used as a tie-breaker in any event.
- If the listed tie-breakers do not conclusively establish seeding order, the tournament director shall, in their sole discretion, choose a random method (coin flip, number draw, etc.) to break any ties.
- For the Final, if a 1-seed is playing a 2-seed, the 1-seed shall be the home team. If both teams finished in the same position in their respective pools, the tie-breaker rules noted above will determine which team shall be home team. Results from the playoff games shall be counted toward all calculations.
Participation Rules
- Each coach/team manager shall inform all players during recruitment and on game day that the tournament is a fund-raising event. While no player will be turned away for lack of a voluntary donation, each coach/manager shall inform players of the requested donation amount, and shall email online registration links to all players several times prior to the date of the tournament.
- Manhattan Beach elementary schools may enter one or more teams
- MBMS and MCHS may combine to enter one or more teams (MCHS may include Hermosa Beach resident parents)
- American Martyrs may enter one or more teams
- Da Vinci Connect and Da Vinci high school may enter one or more teams, or may supply players to combine with another existing team
- Additional South Bay schools may enter one or more teams with permission of the tournament director
- Teams must be comprised of current faculty and/or parents of a student attending the school
- A parent must play for the school of their youngest attendee to an eligible school. Exceptions:
- Residents of Manhattan Beach and Hermosa Beach with no children in an eligible school may play as a “free agent”
- Free Agents may request assignment to a specific team, but may be assigned to a team by the tournament director to balance out participation
- Other exceptions may be made by the tournament director upon request
- Each participant shall be eligible to play for only one squad throughout the day, including in any playoff or championship game, even if the school or group with which that player is affiliated provides more than one team. Penalties against a second team using a player are in the discretion of the umpires and tournament director, and may include declaration of forfeit.
Sportsmanship & Waiver Requirement
- This event is about CHARITY FIRST. It raises money for schools. It’s fun, but please remember the purpose.
- A minimum of $200 charitable contribution to MBX per player is recommended to participate. Thank you for understanding and for pitching in what you can.
- Managers must submit to the tournament director no later than 5:00pm on the Friday before the event a complete roster of expected players, along with email addresses for each player. It is understood that there may be late drops and late additions to a team’s roster. Managers are responsible for supplying the director with the information on any late additions, and may inform the director of the names of any players who were on the roster but did not appear in games.
- Each participant MUST consent to an injury waiver prior to taking the field, and will not be allowed to participate until such waiver consent is obtained. Players who register online shall consent to the waiver at that time. Managers must confirm that their players have consented to waivers. Players must obtain a wristband from the registration desk after confirming that they have signed the required waiver and must wear the wristband throughout the tournament. A team fielding a player who has not consented to the waiver may have any games in which the player participated declared a forfeit by the tournament director.
- There is nothing wrong with competition, but PLEASE display your BEST SPORTSMANSHIP at all times.
- Sportsmanship includes treating all players fairly and with respect. This includes how the fielding team responds to weaker or injured players on the offensive team.
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