Girls Water Polo starts season 2-0!

The Varsity girls played in the Villa Park tournament. They played all Division 1 and 2 schools, and looked really strong. Congratulations on the win against El Toro!
In league play, the girls are 2-0 with wins against Peninsula (13-3) and PV (8-5) and another (non-league) win against Esperanza High.
Junior Varsity played PV (1-8) and Esperanza (2-6).
The Frosh/Soph team won their games against Peninsula (5-4) and Esperanza (8-6).
Upcoming: away games against El Segundo Tuesday 18 Dec at 3:00 and at Dos Pueblos Saturday 29 Dec at 10:30.
The ALUMNI GAME will be Thursday 20 Dec at 10:30.
Finally, congratulations to Coach Reichardt – the Daily Breeze awarded him the “2018 Boys Water Polo Coach of the Year”, and USA Water Polo awarded him the “Bill Barnett Distinguished 2018 Coaching Award” for the CA Coastal Zone.