The Mira Costa Boys Water Polo Team is in the pink. Pink speedos that is!

All teams, Varsity, Junior Varsity and Frosh/Soph, will be wearing their pink speedos the entire month of October to raise awareness and money for breast cancer research.
The mission of the Breast Cancer Research Foundation is to prevent and cure breast cancer by advancing the world’s most promising research. They are the highest rated breast cancer fundraising organization in the United States.
There will be a collection box for cash/check donations at the Aquatics Snack Stand during all home games in October and donations can be made through our fundraising page here.
Please come out and support the team on October 4th, 5th, 15th, 19th, 22nd, and 29th at the Mira Costa Pool.
For more information about the Boys Water Polo schedule, please click here.