Hello from the Cybersecurity Club!

We have been continuing through the Cyberpatriot competition, recently completing our second round and continuing to our state rounds this weekend! Once again, each one of our team achieved outstanding results.

In this second round, the goal was to secure three virtual computers (running three different operating systems) and complete a Cisco Network Challenge (an online quiz and a virtual networking exercise ). The following results are a combination of our round one and round two scores and determine skill-based competition placement.

  • Team One placed in 141th place, landing them in the 94th percentile
  • Team Two placed in 605th place, landing them in the 83rd percentile
  • Team Three placed in 247th place, landing them in the 93rd percentile

If you’re interested in joining the Cybersecurity Club, we meet every Wednesday at lunch in Room 112 (Mr. Selmi’s room). New members are always welcome, and there’s no experience required.

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