Costa Rugby Off-Season Making Great Progress

The Mira Costa Boys and Girls Rugby program is making great strides in preparation of the upcoming 2018/19 season. The teams have been working hard improving their skills and knowledge of the game. This is the first time the program has had a pre-season training camp and their hard work is beginning to show off. The boys have implemented a new offense which is designed to take full advantage of the fast and athletic players. Meanwhile, the girls have implemented most of their playbook and now are focusing on improving their skills, building their stamina and refining their game plan.
This past weekend the girls had a “Rugby Toss” booth at the Home Town Fair in Manhattan Beach. It was the first year and a huge success. There were a ton of kids testing their skills but the highlights had to be the dads (and a few moms) that had played Rugby in college or high school and wanted to show off their skills. It was a great time and the girls and a few of our loyal boys did great running the booth.
Finally, the Little Ruggers Day Camp is fast approaching (November 12—Veterans Day). The day camp runs from 9 am to noon. The kids play non-contact games, learn skills and just have a lot of fun. They get a t-shirt and lunch and are coached by the Costa Rugby Coaching Staff and Players. Each year the camp has grown in numbers and the kids really enjoy playing on the Mira Costa Stadium pitch.