Costa Rugby hosts the National Team of Wales!

Mira Costa had the honor of hosting the National Team of Wales. The Red Dragons visited the Mustangs two days prior to the World Rugby 7s in LA. The Welsh were as usual extremely friendly as they played touch with the Costa boys & girls. The Mustangs had a chance for some Q & A as well as photos. Costa presented each of the Welsh with a Mustang t-shirt which the Dragons loved.
The following day Costa took part in the World Rugby 7s as well. The boys went undefeated in pool play. They opened with a 21-7 win over powerhouse Bishop O’Dowd (Oakland, CA). Christian Hunter scored off a penalty to start off the tournament for Costa which was followed by Trys from Tony Cascadden and a 66 meter romp from Van Graw. Next it was Tony C & Hunter. Tony’s brother Sean, who had been playing solid rugby, was rewarded as he scored in the 2nd half for a 17-0 vs. the Arizona (Phoenix) Bobcats. They completed the sweep with a 17-7 win over California HS (Whittier, CA). Tony C., Graw & Hunter all found pay dirt . Unfortunately, the medal round was not so kind to the Mustangs as they got hammered by the Cavaliers (Pleasanton, CA) 0-31 as a 2 1/2 hour break did not do the Costa boys well. The following day found the Mustangs at Dignity Health to take on the Bobcats that they had beaten the day before. Two sides played an exciting match with Costa running out of time down 14-19. Dean Repetti put the Mustangs on the board following a 34 meter run to offload to Tony C. for the score. The 2nd half saw an incredible play as the ball was passed 7 times with the last three being Graw making a great pass to Jaggar Tavai who then found Repetti for the final score of the tournament for Costa. Nevertheless the Mustangs went 3 & 2 in the tournament.
After the match the boys (and the rest of the Costa Rugby family) went inside the stadium to watch the International matches and a good time was had by all.