MUN wraps up travel season with success!

This weekend wrapped up MUN’s busy & successful fall travel season. In October, Costa student delegates headed north to San Francisco to compete in BearMUN at Cal, and south to Cerritos to compete in the local novice conference. In the month of November over 100 Model UN students competed in the SSUNS Conference in Montreal, PMUNC (Princeton University) and at UCLA. The hard work of advisors and students has been justly rewarded:
BearMUN: best delegation, 6 best delegates, 4 outstanding and 3 honorable mentions.
Montreal: outstanding large delegation, 11 best delegates and 6 honorable mentions.
Princeton: outstanding delegation, 3 best delegates, 5 outstanding, 3 honorable mention and 1 verbal commendation
UCLA: best large delegation, 3 best delegates, 9 outstanding and 6 honorable mentions.
Despite the intermittent rainstorms this past weekend the Costa Model UN students successfully hosted their milestone 25th annual LAIMUN conference. Over 1,100 delegates from almost 30 high schools throughout southern California attended Mira Costa’s highly respected 2-day conference for both advanced and novice delegates. 32 Costa Model UN Intro students debated in advanced committees. It was also exciting to have 20 ambitious MBMS Model UN Club participants compete right alongside the high school students.
In conjunction with LAIMUN,the Model UN students gave a presentation & tour for prospective students & parents to learn about the program and watch committees in action.
On top of all that, on Saturday morning at the Admin Parking Lot, fantastic parent volunteers distributed over 2,000 beautiful poinsettias that had been pre-sold by MUN students for their annual holiday fundraiser. This plant sale raises money for the general fund and for the participating students’ individual Model UN accounts.
Everyone is so proud of the students. Time to focus on finals, finish up college apps and take a well-deserved rest over the holidays in anticipation of the spring conferences!