MUN Updates!

After months of hard work and preparation, the Mira Costa Model United Nations team successfully hosted the twenty fourth annual Los Angeles Invitational Model United Nations (LAIMUN) conference at Mira Costa,
on December 1st-2nd. In preparation, MUN students wrote insightful topic synopses and current event updates regarding their topics, and were trained through the specific procedures and mannerisms needed to lead debate. Ultimately, the Mira Costa students led a conference similar to how the United Nations is run, with the students split into thirty-two different UN
committees. This entirely student led conference encompassed over a thousand students from all different regions of California, including a handful from the local middle school.
The William and Mary High School Model United Nations (WHSMUN) conference, the first travel conference of the season, was also a great success. Thirty advanced students traveled across the country to Virginia where they attended the conference on November 6-11th. The students attending the WHSMUN conference took home the second place award of “Outstanding Large Delegation.” Additionally, 16 advanced Model United Nations Students attended the international Paris Model United Nations conference (PAMUN) occurring November 30-December 2nd. At this international conference, Mira Costa students adapted to a European style of debate and won numerous accolades.