MCHS Choirs Off to a Great Start

Mira Costa Choirs has started off the year in spectacular style. All the choirs are up and running and already sounding great. Auditions for Coterie and Muscle are scheduled, and those ensembles will be chosen in the next two weeks.
Choirs to Sing at MCHS Hall of Fame
On September 21, Choral Union, Mustang Chorale, and Vocal Ensemble will be singing the Alma Mater at both sessions of the MCHS Hall of Fame. This is such an amazing event, with 96 voices singing the MCHS Alma Mater to kick off the ceremony.
Vocal Ensemble Retreat
On September 28-29, Vocal Ensemble will be having a retreat on campus. This is going to be a terrific experience where the students learn their music for festival and get to know each other, enabling them to create beautiful music. Stop by the choir room Friday night or Saturday and hear their work!
Help Us Volunteer for the MB 10K Run
We are gearing up for the MB 10K Run, and we still need adult volunteers over the age of 18 to work traffic control. This is our biggest fundraiser, and it takes over 100 volunteers, so if you are available on October 6 and want to support Mira Costa Choirs, please contact Mr. Hayden at . Help us with this fundraiser that supports one of Manhattan Beach’s biggest events!