January Choir updates!

Winter Concert This Shining Night Now Available for Download
Mira Costa Choirs winter concert is now available as a digital download at the Soundset Recordings website. Click HERE to access the full concert recording.
All songs: $1 each
Full MP3 album cost: $15
This Shining Night is the 2018 winter concert of Grammy Award winning Mira Costa choirs, featuring four curricular choirs and two a capella groups under the direction of Michael Hayden, Director of Choirs, and accompanied by Mark McCormick, Piano. The concert showcases the diligent work of the Mira Costa Choirs and is a celebration of our commitment to choral excellence and artistry.
Choir Silent Auction at Spring Concert
Mira Costa Choirs will have its annual silent auction fundraiser at the spring choir concert on June 4th, and they are now beginning to search for “experience” auction items to be donated for the event. They would love to hear about any experience items you may have to contribute:
– Gift certificates for the theater, concerts, sporting events
– Gift cards for movies, iTunes, retail stores, restaurants, ice cream shops
– Getaway items, including airline tickets and hotel vouchers
– Personal services such as manicure, massage, and chiropractic care
– Professional services, including decorating and home improvement
– Music lessons, including voice, piano, or other instruments
– Do you have a vacation home, boat, or time share? Please consider donating it for a week or weekend.
– Get creative: host a Dad’s Poker Night or Mom’s Night Out event for a group
– Like to cook? How about hosting a cooking party?
Also, please don’t be shy. Ask for certificates from those businesses that provide you services throughout the year. Many are happy to donate and possibly obtain a new client. Be sure to let potential contributors know these donations are tax deductible. Also, please be sure to submit all contributors’ names and addresses so they can be thanked and properly acknowledged in our program.
Below is a link to a silent auction donation form. This form can be used to accompany business or personal donations. They will be accepting donations through May 31st. Silent Auction Donation Form
For more information, or to make a donation via email or by phone, please contact:
Sene Gray . . (310) 874-8452
Thank you to all our amazing choir families and friends for your support!
Tickets On Sale Now for Mom’s Night Out, Scheduled for Wed., March 13, 2019!
Our FUNNIEST fundraiser is back! Let’s LAUGH and RAISE MONEY for the Mira Costa Choirs!
Tickets are on sale now. Be one of the first to grab your ticket to the 6th Annual “Mom’s Night Out” at Hermosa’s Comedy & Magic Club.
Last year’s event was a fabulous night out for all women (you don’t have to be a mom), and it raised more than $11,000 for Mira Costa’s Choir, Band, Drama, and Orchestra programs!
We hope you and your friends can join us Wednesday, March 13, 2019 for a memorable night of FUN and LAUGHTER that also gives back to your favorite performing arts programs.
This event has sold out over the years, so get your tickets fast!
Please CLICK HERE to purchase your tickets and help support the Mira Costa Choir program.
Any questions, please feel free to email back or contact Mom’s Night Out organizer, Michelle Weissenberg
Many thanks to Michelle for organizing this wonderful event for all the moms and friends of the Mira Costa performing arts programs!