Costa Choir Graduates on the move!

Dakota Rose Aguilar Wood, Class of 2011, studied at CalArts for their BFA in the Photography & Media program; making prints using experimental/alternative analog color processes; musing mainly on the melancholic ecologies of the Los Angeles coastal landscape, focusing on critical studies in queer theory, which lends to deeper meaning-makings in art. Dakota, this is exciting work!
Kellen Kartub and Jack Danylik, Costa Class of 2010, have been busy. Jack graduated from UCI in 2014 with a BS in mechanical engineering. At UCI he sang in the acapella group circle of fifths. Kellen graduated from Wellesley in 2014 with a BA in chemistry and is wrapping up her Ph.D. in chemistry sometime next year! She sang in choir at Wellesley and at UCI. They are getting married in 2019. Congrats Kellen and Jack!
Lydia Hirsch and Katherine Harfouch, Costa Class of 2018, are traveling around France right now. Lydia has been writing lots of poetry and performing her selections in bookstores and cafés alike all over Paris. Katherine has been working diligently on her French and has greatly improved her fluency just within barely a month. They have made new friends in France that come from all over the world and are learning so many things from each other. Each day brings new lessons to be learned, whether it’s a language lesson or a lesson about the great big game they call “life”! Katherine and Lydia, what a great experience you are having!