Essentially Ellington Regional Festival, Indoor Drumline and Winterguard Competitions

The Jazz 1 ensemble left on March 24th to attend the Essentially Ellington Regional Jazz Festival at the Mesa Arts Center in Mesa, Arizona. They will perform the music of Duke Ellington and other Big Band performers on March 26th and receive feedback from noted Jazz professionals before heading home. In April, the Jazz 1 and Jazz 2 bands will attend the Fullerton Jazz Festival.
The Indoor Drumline and Winterguard Teams continue to compete. Indoor Drumline has an upcoming tournament on March 31 at Whittier High School and then two more in April where they will perform their show, “Rite of the Mountain Spirit”. Winterguard performed their show, “The Shining” in Glendora on March 24th and they go to La Serna High School on April 13.
The combined Band and Orchestra “Eclectic Ensemble” Fundraiser on March 23rd was a big success–great food, wonderful raffle items and really great performances by many talented student musicians. It was great to see the students let their hair down and perform music that they chose.
As we wind down this incredibly busy month, we are already looking forward to the Spring which includes training for Marching band and preparation for the end-of-the-year concerts: Percussion will be on May 4, Jazz on May 23 and our Pops Concert on May 31.
For more information check us out at:
Facebook: Mira Costa High School Bands
Twitter: MiraCostaBands@MCHSBands
Flickr: MCHS_Bands
Instagram: mchsbands