Costa Winterguard has successful performances!

For the Costa Winterguard, both the JV and Varsity Winterguard teams competed this weekend at the WGASC competition at La Serna High School. The JV team placed first in every overall category in their division (with only 1 second place within a subcategory). Their score of 62.23 earned them second place in their division. They actually earned a score of 66.73, but were penalized 4.5 points for performing a shorter version of their program. This point is irrelevant. What matters is that they did an amazing job, and they outscored every one of the 19 other teams in their division. Their performance was so good, that the WGASC informed Richard that they are moving this team up a division. They will now be performing with schools in the HSA Division
The Varsity team competed in the Scholastic AA division. Their performance earned them a score of 71.35, with a first place in every category. They beat the second place team by 8.12 points. Because they did so well, the WGASC has decided that they should also move up one category. From this point on, they will be performing in the Scholastic A division.
Congratulations to the teams, as well as their coaches, Richard and Joey for two amazing performances!