Costa Band POPS Concert with Davie Benoit!

Mira Costa Bands Perform with David Benoit
It was a performance for the ages. The concert bands all played for our POPS Concert on May 30th. Jazz pianist and distinguished MCHS alumni David Benoit played with the Jazz Band and brought down the house! Recordings will be made available on the Band website.
Year End Band Banquet Celebration
The annual Band Banquet was held last weekend as commemoration and celebration of a terrific year! From the Marching Band and Colorguard, Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble, Wind Symphony, Jazz 1 and 2, Indoor Drumline and Winterguard, we had a great year! We wish our Seniors well as they spread their wings. To the Band Boosters and many parent volunteers who keep this program running, our sincere thanks and gratitude.