Concerts end the year on a high note for MCHS Bands!

Join the MCHS Bands program for their last two performances of the 2017-2018 year.
The award winning Winterguard Team will be performing on Wednesday, May 30th at 6 PM in the MCHS Large Gym. This talented team will reprise this year’s Winterguard show, “The Shining” as well as performing smaller student choreographed pieces. There will also be a raffle to support the Winterguard Team–so bring some extra cash. Admission is free!
The Pops Concert will be on Thursday, May 31 at 7 PM in the MCHS Auditorium. Featuring all of our Concert Ensembles as well as our award winning Jazz Band, this crowd pleasing concert will feature music from “Jurassic Park”, “The Incredibles”, “My Neighbor Totoro”, “Guardians of the Galaxy” and “Godzilla Eats Las Vegas” among others. Admission is $10 (free for students with ID and senior citizens).
The Jazz 1 and Jazz 2 Bands had an incredible concert on May 23 to a full house in the MCHS Small Theatre. Students showed off their jazz chops in such pieces as “Cantaloupe Island” by Herbie Hancock, “A Day in the Life of a Fool” by Luiz Bonfa, “Don’t Get Around Much Anymore” and “Flirtibird” by Duke Ellington and “The Kitchen Sink” by Drew Zaremba.
The Band Banquet will be on June 10th at the Ayres Hotel. Always a bittersweet moment where we celebrate the year that has passed and say goodbye to all of our seniors.
But there is never a down moment for the MCHS Bands program–we have already started spring training for our incoming marching freshmen and are deep in the planning stages for next year’s field show and tournaments.
To learn more about our MCHS Bands program you can check out the following:
Facebook: Mira Costa High School Bands
Instagram: mchsbands
Flickr: MCHS_Bands
Twitter: MiraCostaBands@MCHSBands