Costa Band has busy Winter season!

The Mira Costa Marching Band and Colorguard performed at California Adventure on Saturday, Jan. 20. They entertained the crowds on a rather blustery, cold day, but everyone was in good spirits and had a great time enjoying the rides when the parade was done. The Marching Band will make one more appearance at the Manhattan Beach Little League Parade, before retiring their uniforms for the season.
The MCHS Winterguard is hard at work on their Winter Season show. It is based on Steven King’s “The Shining” and features a chilling and creepy soundtrack as well as prop doors and their show flags. Competition starts in March and everyone is looking forward to seeing how this younger, and extremely talented, team will do.
The Indoor Percussion team is also off to a strong start with their Winter Show titled, “Rite of the Mountain Spirit”. This Asian-inspired show features both experienced percussion members as well as some newcomers. Their competitions also starts in March.
The Wind Symphony and Wind Ensemble groups are practicing for their trip to Sonoma and a music festival at Sonoma State University from March 7-9. In addition to performing at the festival students will visit San Francisco and take in some of the sights.
Jazz 1 is getting ready for their trip to Mesa, Arizona in March to participate in the Ellington Jazz Festival, while Jazz 2 has started bi-weekly rehearsals to prepare for performances in the spring.
Everyone is also looking forward to the All-District Band Festival on Friday, March 1st at 6:30 in the Mira Costa Auditorium. This concert will feature performances by all of the district bands: Elementary Band, MBMS Bands, MCHS Bands and both Jazz and Marching Bands. It is always exciting to hear all the different groups and see how Costa’s talented students grow and improve their musicianship through their years at MBUSD.
For more information about the MCHS Bands go to:
Facebook: Mira Cota High School Bands
Flickr: MCHS_Bands
Instagram: mchsbands
Twitter: MiraCostaBands@MCHSBands