Badminton team January updates!

Both badminton Varsity and JV teams rosters are finalized. We have a total of 35 players who want to play: 16 varsity players and 19 JV players. The badminton parents booster club is also fully functional and is in process of having team uniforms ready by Feb 15th. The assistant coaches all obtained official permissions from MBUSD and are coaching both Varsity and JV team during regular weekly practices.
Just a reminder, badminton team regular practices are:
Tuesday 4-6 pm for JV and 5-7 pm for Varsity (one hour overlap for joint JV and Varsity practice)
Wednesday from 5-7 pm for JV only
Thursday from 5-7 pm for Varsity only
Both Varsity and JV players are also required to attend the Monday lunch time meeting in Mr. Kelly’s room #334.
We thank all parents support to have a great start and look forward to a great badminton season!