MBX Foundation

MBX Summer School 2025

MBX Foundation offers comprehensive asynchronous, self-paced online courses. Our course catalog is robust, featuring standards-aligned, interactive, and media-rich content designed to be personalized and engaging. Students have the flexibility to work on their courses at any time with each semester, allowing students to work ahead and finish their coursework earlier…
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Yarn Fun at Pacific with Glenna Stroh

MBX After School Enrichment at Pacific Elementary – Yarn Fun at Pacific with Glenna Stroh During the end of the Fall session, the students learned how to sew a button onto fabric, decorate their piece with embellishments, stuff, and hand sew using a running stitch. The students are quick learners,…
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Fifteen Senior Mustangs signed on to play sports at the college level. Congratulations from MBX and best of luck to these seniors. View the slideshow. Harrison Belden – University of Chicago – Baseball Ellie Black – University of California Davis (UC Davis) – Beach Volleyball…
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